With the development of society, the improvement of people's living standards and the increasing variety of people's cultural life, night scene lighting has also received more and more attention from the people.
Night lighting needs to rely on good lighting to achieve the effects described in the lighting design renderings. In addition to the shape and color of the luminaire, the power, protection level, and light-emitting efficiency of the luminaire also require careful consideration to select the ideal luminaire.
First of all, the selection of the lamp should consider the power level of the lamp source and the reflector of the lamp. This is related to whether the effect chart can be achieved, and the overall effect and brightness of the whole landscape are grasped as a whole. For example, some require the illumination area of ​​the luminaire to be wide, and some are narrow and long, so the requirements for the luminaire are different. The reflectors of the luminaire are wide beam and narrow beam respectively, and the width of the tree and the building façade is generally selected. Light beams, building pillars, and other parts that are partially highlighted by special requirements require a narrow beam of light (Figure 1).
figure 1
Second, the color selection of the light source of the lamp also needs to be determined according to the object. In terms of greening, the white and green metal halide lamps are normally used. Many people think that the green color can produce the true color of the green plant, but the large area of ​​green light gives The feeling is gloomy. It must be white to add embellishment. If there are plants of other colors, such as red maple, bamboo forest, rockery of other colors, it is best to add other colors of light, the overall lighting effect will be greatly improved. That is to say, in addition to the factors of the lighting itself, the lighting effect of the night scene also needs to consider the combination of light color, the overall scene effect and so on. At present, the incandescent lamp, tungsten halogen lamp and high-pressure sodium lamp commonly used in night lighting are low in color temperature and warm in color table; metal halide lamps and high-pressure mercury lamps have high color temperature and cold color, and their color rendering properties are different. The general lighting object (the material color of the building or the type of greening, etc.) selects a light source with a suitable color temperature to enhance the lighting effect and create a unique mood. It is also possible to select different color temperature spotlights in different parts of the illumination object to emphasize the level of the illumination object. Unless there is a lot of confidence, colored lights should be used with caution. Because of the intense color of colored light, the use of colored light to enhance a certain color also changes the color of other colors on the facade of the building, causing color imbalance. Therefore, night lighting in buildings, especially the night lighting of some important large public buildings, should be especially careful (Figure 2, Figure 3).
figure 2
image 3