Several common circuits based on 555 timer

The 555 timer is a medium-scale integrated circuit widely used in the field of electronic engineering. It combines analog and logic functions in a subtle way. It has a simple structure, wide voltage range, fast working speed, high timing accuracy and strong driving capability. Etc. The 555 chip is equipped with external components and can be used to form a variety of practical applications. It is widely used in electronic devices such as pulse oscillators, detection circuits, automatic control circuits, household appliances, and communication products that generate a variety of waveforms. Below we list some common circuits to share with everyone.

D/A conversion biphase complementary frequency generator

D/A conversion biphase complementary frequency generator

Long delay circuit composed of 555 and integrator

Long delay circuit composed of 555 and integrator

Program trigger and long delay circuit

Program trigger and long delay circuit

0.1 second to 6 hours timing circuit

0.1 second to 6 hours timing circuit

0.1 second to 6 hours timing circuit

Gaming Headphones

Gaming Headphones is a headset suitable for playing games. For game users, a game headset with excellent performance can allow players to experience the immersive feeling in the game. For competitive game players, the game headset can also assist game players and enhance combat effectiveness.

In the case of headphone use, we found that game use would be a large part of the demand, especially the need to use a pure headset to get better listening effect when both music and games are in use.

Compared with music headphones, Wired Game Headphones pay more attention to sound field and positioning sense (for example, shooting and shootout games need positioning), and the amount and intensity of low frequency are aggravated, so as to meet the user's experience of game sound effects. Music headphones, in essence, pay more attention to sound quality. The effect in the right range is super good, with pure sound quality and penetrating sound.

Among the many headsets, Wireless Gaming Headphone have the advantage of sensitivity. The relatively closed listening environment is also more conducive to game players to feel the details of the sound and improve their judgment of the sound. Therefore, compared with traditional headsets, gaming headsets have more advantages in positioning ability, can better express the sense of direction of sound, and are more suitable for 3D games to express sound clearly. In addition, player-oriented game headsets are often enhanced with low-frequency volume sensing to facilitate the game's plot and make it easier for players to immerse themselves in the game.


Gaming Headphones,Gaming Headset,Rgb Gaming Headphones,Gaming Bluetooth Earphones

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