Tencent Digital (Neon) Nintendo will undoubtedly need to revive its important position in the game console market, but it may be futile to compete with platform giants such as Microsoft and Sony, especially from the Wii U experience. According to recent rumor, Nintendo's next-generation game console NX is likely to adopt a portable design and Android TV platform, and may also be equipped with NVIDIA Tegra chips.
Nintendo Wii U is equipped with a control panel like a small tablet
A recent product concept simulation and related rumors show that Nintendo's NX system may allow Nintendo to take the Wii U even further - the tablet is separate from the dock and becomes a running Android powered by NVIDIA's Tegra platform. device of. Considering that NVIDIA's Android TV set-top box SHIELD is currently the most powerful streaming media device on the market, and now has the Plex Media Server function and can play a large number of Android games such as "Landless Land 2," things will become clear. Now. In addition, NVIDIA's SHIELD enables users to stream PC games to the TV's large screen, and is equipped with NVIDIA's current generation Tegra X1 chip and onboard Maxwell derivative GPUs. However, from Nintendo's scheduled date of release in March of next year, NX is likely to adopt NVDIA's new Pascal architecture Tegra chips.
NVIDIA credit card-sized Jetson TX1 platform module with Tegra X1 SoC chip
Therefore, the Nintendo NX game console based on Android and using the NVIDIA Tegra platform has become a very interesting concept. NVIDIA once introduced its latest GPU technology in its entire line of products, from mainframe GPUs for machine learning to desktop graphics and the Tegra Mobile SoC platform. With the new 16nm FinFET manufacturing process, NVIDIA's high-performance Pascal architecture is likely to integrate well with the next-generation Tegra SoC design. The combination of the two should bring a very significant performance to power ratio.
Of course, NVIDIA CEO Huang Renxun publicly stated that the company is no longer interested in producing Tegra SoC for smartphones. However, a portable gaming console powered by a more powerful Tegra chip with a TV docking station is likely to be the business case NVIDIA is looking for.
We are only speculating based on rumors, but all signs show that Nintendo and NVIDIA will achieve cooperation in the future not too long.
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.wxdigi { padding:20px 0; border-top: 1px dotted DBDBDB; }
Antenk DVI Series Digital Video Interface connectors are the standard digital interface for flat panels, video graphics cards, monitors and HDTV units. This series includes DVI-D (Digital), DVI-A (Analog) and DVI-I (Integrated Digital/Audio). Their unique crossing ground blades provide high speed performance at low cost. They are available in Straight or Right Angle PCB mount receptacles and mating male cable connectors. They support a data transfer rate of 4.95Gbps with a dielectric withstanding voltage of 500VAC. Each version features our specially designed contacts which improve signal performance and a zinc alloy shield that reduces electromagnetic interference (EMI).
Digital Visual Interface Cable Connectors
DVI ConnectorWith the advent of technologies such as DVD players, high-definition televisions, and even digital cable, the need for more advanced cables and connectors has increased. Digital Visual Interface (DVI) is one response to the growing need for interconnected systems, enabling digital systems to be connected to an array of displays. Yet DVI cables and connectors can also be complicated, and may lead to confusion between High Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) and DVI. Although the two systems have much in common, they service different niches of digital technology.
Digital Visual Interface
Older systems aren`t necessarily outdated systems. Although DVI preceded HDMI, it`s still widely used in both business and domestic settings. DVI connectors are designed to handle digital data transmission, incorporating three transmission channels in every connector link. The maximum bandwidth for data transfer is 165 megahertz, which is enough to relay up to 165 million pixels per second. Data is encoded for effective transfer, but a single link can handle around 4.95 gigabits per second of information. Double links can handle twice that amount.
Because a DVI cable carries information over a 165 megahertz bandwidth, complete digital resolution can be obtained. Using double link connectors increases the speed of transmission, but requires another cable. However, not many devices depend solely on a double link DVI, so this technolgy can be used on an as-desired basis.
Types of DVI Connectors
There are three general categories of DVI cable connectors: DVI-Digital (DVI-D), DVI-Integrated (DVI-I), and DVI-Analog (DVI-A). However, most connectors fall into one of the first two groups.
A standard DVI connector is 37 mm wide and has 24 pins, 12 of which are used for a single link connection. When analog is involved, four additional pins are needed to support the additional lines of an analog signal. It is not possible to cross from a digital source to an analog display or vice versa. In those instances, an integrated connector is probably the best option. There are five common types of DVI connectors.
DVI-I Single Link
This kind of connector has three rows, each with six pins. There are two contacts. Because the connector is integrated, it can be used with both analog and digital applications.
DVI-I Dual Link
A DVI-I dual link connector can also be used with both digital and analog applications, but is configured with more pins to accommodate a dual connection. There are three rows with eight pins each, as well as two contacts.
DVI-D Single Link
Specifically designed for digital applications, a DVI-D single link connector has three rows of six pins, and looks much like a DVI-I single link connector. However, a DVI-D connector has no contacts.
DVI-D Dual Link
Also made specifically for digital applications, a DVI-D dual link features more pins (three rows of eight) for dual connections. Like a DVI-D single link, a DVI-D dual link connector has no contacts.
This particular type of connector can only be used for analog applications, and has three rows of pins. One row has five pins, one has four pins, and the last row has three pins. Like single link connectors, a DVI-A link connector has two contacts.
Male DVI Connector Series
ShenZhen Antenk Electronics Co,Ltd , https://www.antenk.com