This solution implements a batteryless keyboard using Near Field Communication (NFC) technology. The core part is the TI Dynamic NFC tag that can be read and written by the host microcontroller. NFC-enabled phones can quickly discover and recognize the keyboard and then establish a connection between the keyboard and the application. The design is a battery-free system (ie, working without a battery), which allows customers to build products with optimized dimensions (such as thin keyboards) and lighter weight products (such as easy to carry).
The characteristics are as follows:
Batteryless solution
Standard PC/AT keyboard character set
Input capability greater than 400 characters per minute
The MSP430 MCU and RF430CL330 tags consume approximately 20 mW of power.
Low cost PCB coil antenna for energy harvesting
Glass surface material ,copper inside,screen touching wall switch
Wenzhou Niuniu Electric Co., Ltd. ,